Falcon and bees


0 +
Years of Experians

Our exports

Falcon & Bees takes pride in its global outreach, offering seamless exports of high-quality refurbished laptops to diverse destinations. With a commitment to affordability, reliability, and sustainability, our export operations extend to regions across Africa, Asia, and beyond. We bridge the digital gap by making advanced technology accessible to various countries, fostering a world where everyone can experience the benefits of top-notch computing.

Fixing It The Right Way

01. Sourcing Excellence

Once the laptops are sourced, our suppliers securely supply these devices to Falcon & Bees.

02 . Quality Control

Upon arrival at Falcon & Bees Our team of expert technicians carefully examines and identify the areas for refurbishment.

03. Get Repaired

Throughout the refurbishment process, multiple quality control checks are conducted to maintain consistent excellence.

04. Global Distribution

Once refurbished, the laptops are prepared for global distribution, reaching customers in various countries.

Our Exports Around the World


Falcon & Bees is your gateway to a world of refurbished laptops designed to elevate your digital experience. Explore a range of budget-friendly options tailored to elevate your computing journey.


Elevate your digital experience with our premium refurbished laptops. We understand the diverse needs of the African market, and our commitment is to provide you with high-performance, reliable, and budget-friendly technology.

Your tech journey starts here!

Contact us today, and let’s explore how we can tailor our refurbished laptops to meet your unique computing needs.

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For The Ultimate Laptop Experience