Falcon and bees


Are you a supplier of top-quality refurbished laptops based in the United States?

Falcon & Bees is excited to extend an invitation to you to become part of our mission. We’re on a journey to redefine the world of refurbished laptops and make technology more accessible, eco-conscious, and budget-friendly. As a valued partner, your top-quality refurbished laptops have the opportunity to reach a global audience through our extensive platform. At Falcon & Bees, we prioritize transparency, reliability, and sustainability. Join us in reshaping the refurbished laptop landscape and providing customers worldwide with the best in technology.

Ready to Ignite a Partnership? Let's Connect!

Volume Flexibility

Whether suppliers have a large inventory or a more modest selection, we can work together to meet market demand.

Consistent Demand

We value long-term partnerships and seek a consistent and reliable supply of high-quality refurbished laptops.

Prompt Payments

Falcon & Bees values its supplier partnerships and ensures that payments for supplied laptops are prompt and secure.

Customized Supply

Falcon & Bees collaborates with suppliers to create customized supply plans that align with market demand and the supplier's capabilities.


We believe in transparent and trustworthy partnerships where both parties benefit from the collaboration.

Quality Standards

Suppliers must meet Falcon & Bees' high-quality standards for laptops, guaranteeing top-notch performance and appearance in every refurbished device.

Your tech journey starts here!

Contact us today, and let’s explore how we can tailor our refurbished laptops to meet your unique computing needs.

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For The Ultimate Laptop Experience